Horny cammodel rozeamor

 rozeamor is Offline. Auto-Host mode enabled: angiiieee
My live show is public and RozeLand is my country of origin and my age is 99 years old and I was born March 12th 1923 and my name is Rozeamor. I have 79454 lucky followers and preferably lets speak English or German or French or Italian and I prefer to be called @rozeamore.

Rozeamor on I-LiveSex

Name rozeamor
Age 99
Gender Female
Birth Date 1923-03-12
Location N/A
Language(s) , English, German, French, Italian
Followers 79,454
Current Show Public
New Model N/A
Orientation Straight
Tags Squirt, Lovense, Bigass, New, Feet

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