Hey it's pussy_fries69

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See me in public, my birthday is the 4th of July 1994 and Alisson & Mary is my true name and presented in HD and 3149 lucky people are following me. I live in Colombia and I am 24 years old and I prefer if we speak Spanish or ingles, I have been working for a while, people call me Pussy_fries69.

Pussy_fries69 on I-LiveSex

Name pussy_fries69
Age 24
Gender Couple
Birth Date 1994-07-04
Location N/A
Language(s) Spanish, ingles
Followers 3,149
HD Yes
Current Show Public
New Model No
Orientation Straight
Tags Ass, Clit, Lick, Pussy, Lips, Finger, Tits, Tongue, Lesbian, Friend

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