Is Scam? What I Learned
Is Scam? What I Learned
You may have already heard of, and many people may wonder whether or not it's a scam or a legitimate online dating site. It's a bit confusing when there are so many guys claiming to be "Chaturbate millionaires" when they have only made some short stints on the site, but the truth is, they're not lying at all.
When it comes to online dating, there are some easy rules that you should follow so that you can see the results that you are looking for. These are tips that were shared by other people who tried to date with the help of It's important to know that there are indeed tons of women that want to have sex with you, but you have to be careful.
The most common mistake that guys make when trying to meet women through is that they think that it's easy. They just want to find a girl that he'll be interested in having sex with her, but they fail to realize that many women on the site don't fall into this category.
Since it is a dating site, it is important to understand that you won't be dating any "hot girls", and therefore you don't want to be alone all the time. You also have to be ready to be rejected at some point or another.
That's why you should go to the website once a week, or even a few times a week. Most people think that this is enough because it gets them more responses.
Although you may have a few girl friends that you hang out with, your best chance of success lies in having a strong online presence on You should be able to post some information about yourself, as well as how you found the site, and you should have at least some pictures of yourself on your profile.
Pictures are important because it shows a glimpse of you as a person, and you should make sure that you are a good model. Once you post your profile, you should send out a bunch of messages, as well as talk about yourself and what you want from the relationship.
This will let girls know that you're a nice guy, and you should try to show girls that you are someone that they would enjoy being with. You don't have to be the best guy ever, but it's very important that you at least be approachable.