The Truth About Porn
The Truth About Porn
The trend of people getting out of their houses to get sex on the internet is huge. Because the sites are being created by companies and not people, they are able to say whatever they want and charge whatever they think it is worth.
The negative effects on society are too numerous to be counted. Porn has brought about a lot of problems that have ruined the lives of a lot of people.
They are convinced that they can treat people, all their friends and relatives the same way if they feel like it. They have no inhibitions and no shame. They take pleasure in harming others in the most vicious ways possible.
Some even accuse porn of having negative effects on society. It's hard to judge from their claims. To really be sure, there must be empirical evidence. But who can prove anything with regards to the influence of porn on society?
The loss of civil liberties cannot be denied. It's a fact that what goes on in the privacy of the home can never be taken out of the homes and shared with those whom we have no intentions of hurting.
Porn sites make people think that they are entitled to engage in activities that are different from what is right and wrong. If this isn't a grave social problem, then what is?
Harm to children cannot be forgotten. While there are many myths about porn causing harm to children, there are also countless stories of how a porn addiction affected a child's life.
All these facts are enough to convince us that porn has devastating effects on society. The situation is even worse when people try to deny the problem and insist that the people involved are just lonely individuals with no reason for doing such things. Most of the time, these people have a psychological problem and need professional help.