Cum have fun with sophie_chernova

 sophie_chernova is Offline. Auto-Host mode enabled: zarah_torres
Colombia is my country of origin, 5158 people are following me and I was born the 3rd of February 2003 and I prefer if we talk in Spanish, I have been working for a while. You can look at my show in public and I prefer to be called Welcome in my room,Im Sofia Check my pleasure or invite me in private show and presented in HD and most people call me Sophie_chernova, I am 20 years of age.

Sophie_chernova on I-LiveSex

Name sophie_chernova
Age 20
Gender Female
Birth Date 2003-02-03
Location N/A
Language(s) Spanish
Followers 5,158
HD Yes
Current Show Public
New Model No
Orientation Straight
Tags Blowjob, Bigboobs, Bigass, Bbw, Squirt

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