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I am from Moldova and my name is Kristina_adel and you can watch my show in public, 21 is my age. I prefer if we speak English and I was born the 5th of May 2002, I have 7492 loyal followers.

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I am 20 and I am proud to have 4418 followers and my sex show is public and I was born August 13th 2002. People call me Xxfelisiadecauxx and English is what I prefer to speak and I prefer if you call me Felisia and I come from Erotic World.

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Preferably lets speak English and I am 22 and my show is not full high def, I was born April 27th 2000 and 17956 lucky people are following me, I prefer if you use my true name Kelsey. My sex show is public, people call me Delicious_cum18, Soccsksargen, Philippines is where I come from, I have been doing live shows for a while.