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Most people call me Kriisrus, I am 27 years of age and I speak English. I was born June 8th 1996 and 286935 people are following me and you can watch my show in public and I live in Dont ask where Im from. Im not going to say and I prefer to be called KrisRus.

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I am from Moldova and my name is Kristina_adel and you can watch my show in public, 21 is my age. I prefer if we speak English and I was born the 5th of May 2002, I have 7492 loyal followers.

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Bonnie is my true name and you can watch my show in public and Spanish/English Translater is my language and my birthday is the 23rd of May 2005. People call me Bonniepark_ and Colombia is where I live and 1820 lucky people are following me and I am 18.

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I have been here for a while and my age is 23 yrs old and my birthday is the 23rd of August 1999 and I live in — and my show is not high def, Bri is my real name. 6883 lucky people are following me and my sex show is private and Spanish and English is my native language and most people call me Brihana21.

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I prefer to talk in English and most people call me Sexycidy, my live show is public, I prefer if you use my real name Nancy baby and not streamed in high def. I am 24 years of age and my birthday is the 27th of March 1998, I have been doing live shows for a while and Chartabate is my country of origin and I have 5475 followers.

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Spanish is what I speak, I have 12034 lucky followers and Colombia is where I live, I have been here for a while. Most people call me Cata_robert and watch my live show in away, my show is high def.